What To Read This Month: April

I read a ton of books.  Every month I plan to share some recommendations with you.  Here are 3 I think you should read in April:

For your spiritual health: The Promise by Tony Evans

Why you need to read this: As Christians we often treat the Holy Spirit like the forgotten member of the Trinity.  He is relegated to the role of spooky uncle you only interact with when you need to. There couldn’t be a worse depiction of who He is. Tony Evans guides us through who the Holy Spirit is, what he does, and how we can live in light of his empowering work in our lives.  Jesus promised He would send the Spirit and now we get to enjoy his indwelling presence in our lives.


For your mental health: Grace for the Afflicted by Matthew Sanford 

Why you need to read this: There has never been a time in history in which people have been more vocal about their mental health issues.  In this book Matthew tackles the issue head on. He defines terms, gives explanations, and most importantly points you back to Jesus without ignoring the real and present issues people face.  This is a book for everyone because many of us deal with mental health issues or know and love someone who does. Grace for the Afflicted will equip you for those conversations and help you to love people well. 

Something to challenge you: Deep Nutrition by Dr. Cate Shanahan

Why you need to read this: Everywhere you turn there is a new diet fad that promises to shed the pounds.  Every network has their own documentary that really ends being an infomercial for some particular way of eating.  Deep Nutrition cuts through the noise and gives you hard hitting truth about the effects that the food we eat is having not just on our bodies but our genes as well and offers a solution.  This book is balanced, well researched, and truly thought provoking. For anyone looking to eat in a way that is the best for their bodies and for their families, this is the book for you.