What To Read This Month

I read a ton of books.  Every month I plan to share some recommendations with you.  Here are 3 I think you should read in March:

For your spiritual health: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

Why you need to read this: This book is great because it really speaks to the moment we are all in right now.  We are living hurried lives. We go from one place to the next and rarely take the time to slow down and be.  A few months ago, the only way I could truly describe my state was by saying my soul is tired. I had been running on fumes and just couldn’t go any further.  Reading this book opened my eyes to my need to slow down.  

I think you should read this book too because chances are that you are living a hurried life as well.  It is a fun and quick read that will challenge you and point you closer to Jesus. 

For your financial health: I Will Teach You to be Rich by Ramit Sethi

Why you need to read this: Financial literacy is a daunting task.  There is so much we don’t learn in school that is essential for life.  While the title is a bit tongue in cheek, Ramit provides you with all of the basics that you need to get your financial life in order.  There is a good bit of humor in here which also makes it a fun read!

Something to challenge you: The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby

Why you need to read this: America has a long and terrible history when it comes to race.  What often flies under the radar is the church’s complicity in this arena.  Historian Jemar Tisby expertly recounts how the American church has often been a source of lament for black people in this country.  This may be a hard read for some but it is necessary. We must know in history in order to keep from repeating it.