Four Source Idols: Power Edition
I was listening to a sermon a few weeks ago where the Pastor mentioned this idea of four source idols; that at the end of the day, all of our sins, longings, and ungodly desires really just point back to one of these four things. Those four idols are: power, control, comfort, and approval. At the end of the day, the things we do are trying to get us to one or more of these places.
Over the next few newsletters, I’m going to cover each of these in turn based on what I struggle with the least, to the one I struggle with the most. What I will say now though, is none of us are truly free from all of these. We wrestle with all of them to some degree, some just hit harder than others.
The Quest for Power
The idea behind the idol of power is the longing for influence. It’s the desire to be the person who holds sway over situations and people. I think this was stronger for me when I was younger. In my teens and early twenties, I wanted to be a man of influence. I wanted to be the man in charge. I always felt the most equipped to lead and be in charge, no matter the situation or my aptitude for such an appointment.
Today, I just want to live quietly and in relative obscurity (which is ironic for someone who has what is considered to be public gifts). But the truth is, like most people, I still want influence. That hasn’t escaped me.
I relish the positive comments to these newsletters and stew for way too long on the negative ones. I love when people say my words have changed them or come to me for advice. I love that I am viewed as the “stable” one in my friend groups. I’m annoyed when people don’t listen to the advice I give or even worse, don’t seek me for “wise” counsel to begin with.
I have this bad habit of dominating conversations. I constantly find ways to steer things back to me and how I can relate. I love being the center of attention on the edge of the room (I realize I am a person whose general makeup is full of contradictions and have accepted that about myself).
The Dangers of Power
Of course I desire influence. Influence will make me, a person who has never felt important, feel like I am. It’s the ultimate ego boost to someone who has dealt with self-esteem issues his entire life.
Influence is power. Power means access. But access to whom and to what?
That is the very thing I need to be on guard for. If I find my worth and value in my power and influence on others then I can easily slide down a path that has me do whatever is necessary to gain and retain more. That power and access may also put me into rooms that I shouldn’t be in. The call for the Christian to be on guard, doesn’t go away.
For Christians, this is something we have to think about. The questions we have to ask are:
How do we influence others?
What does that level of influence do to our hearts?
Where does that influence lead us?
What do we want to do with what that influence gives us?
You don’t need me to tell you that we have seen power abused too many times. Power in itself isn’t a bad thing but unchecked power almost always goes bad. The old saying goes: Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I recognize this. As much as I want a quiet life (specifically a remote cabin, but still close enough to civilization, where I write and workout most days), I still love the idea of being influential. I pray that God will guard my heart against allowing that influence to corrupt my witness.
Am I alone here? Do you struggle with this? Do you have that desire to be the most influential too? If so, why?